Direct Support Training
The XRCVC offers a range of direct support and training services to persons with vision impairment, caregivers, educators and institutions.
Volunteer Support:
The XRCVC offers volunteer support services for reading, making material accessible (through typing, scanning, editing, and recording) and assisting as a writer/ scribe during college/ competitive examinations.
Training Services:
Learn Computers, use of specific assistive devices, Braille, Orientation & Mobility, English language or Life skills through the varied training programs at the XRCVC. These are available for diverse learner groups – visually challenged, special educators, teacher trainers and caregivers.
Recreation and Sports:
Enjoy sports? You are most welcome to be part of the XRCVC’s cricket and football tournaments and other ongoing programmes.
Personal and Career Guidance:
Guidance services are provided to members and their families to identify needs, interests and aptitudes as also troubleshoot and cope with concerns.
Accessible Content: Creation & E-Library:
Looking out for a book or resource, in accessible formats (Braille, Audio, E-Text, DAISY)? The XRCVC can help you find it in our E-Library or help you create a book currently not available.
Scholarships and Loan Schemes:
Recognizing the high costs for higher education and assistive technologies, the XRCVC provides scholarship and loan schemes to deserving students.
Assistive Technology (AT) Support:
Know the latest in assistive technology; get a firsthand experience of which product works best for you or simply use the technology; or have accessibility of a product tested. The XRCVC houses the latest and the most exhaustive list of assistive technologies to be explored by visually challenged persons as also employers, government bodies and any other group that would like to know more about AT.
STEM Education:
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is vital to prepare the next generation, often cited as difficult for students with blindness and low vision. It has been a combination of fear, doubt, lack of knowledge, lack of teacher training skills and resources combined; to give the false verdict—It is not Possible!