Personal & Career Guidance
Developing the right understanding of visual impairment for oneself and for families and caregivers can often be a complicated process. Varied factors – eye conditions, age of onset, pre-held myths and lack of knowledge affect coping.
Living independently and successfully with visual impairment can be achieved provided the right understanding and approach is developed.
The XRCVC guidance services offer individual and family guidance for persons with vision impairment to be able to make the right choices and not let the impairment be a hindrance in their lives.
Today, career opportunities for the visually challenged are no longer limited or restricted. The XRCVC guidance is aimed at ensuring that every visually challenged person is able to recognize their true potential and achieve their maximum without the impairment being a hurdle in their life.
These services are available on an appointment basis and you may contact our office for the same.
Employment Expanding Reach
XRCVC organized a career guidance seminar, Employment Expanding Reach sponsored by IBM, in order to inform visually challenged students about the career choices available to them.
Click here for brief descriptions of each session along with audio podcasts